March 24: Simple Spiritual Low Down

This winter has felt so long, but with us now in March, and with Equinox around the corner we can start to sense spring, find comfort in the start of the astrological year, and lean in to the strong themes of growth that the planets are providing us. 

If like me, Jan & Feb are still hibernation months - you are not alone! Lets ease ourselves gently into growth, and remind ourselves how powerful self reflection and spiritual guidance can be. If you want some more support and direction, or have a burning question, why not book a Tarot Reading?

Below, you can find out some key dates that I believe will help you get the most out of the month!

10/3 Pisces New Moon

Spirituality, Creativity & Emotional Healing

On March 10th, we are graced with the Pisces New Moon.
Pisces, the final sign of the zodiac, is deeply connected to spirituality, intuition, and the subconscious mind. Under the influence of the Pisces New Moon, we are invited to dive deep into the waters of our psyche, explore our fantasies, and connect with the unseen realms.

This New Moon is a potent time for setting intentions related to spirituality, creativity, and emotional healing. Engage in rituals such as meditation, dreamwork, and intuitive practices to harness the mystical energy of Pisces and set intentions that align with your soul's deepest desires.

Every New Moon, I send out journal prompts to all participants of Lunar Time, my monthly online full moon circle - grab your tickets here.

19/3 Aries Season

Get ready to ignite your passions and blaze new trails as Aries season kicks off on March 19th. As the first sign of the zodiac, Aries brings a burst of energy, courage, and enthusiasm into our lives. It's time to fearlessly charge ahead with confidence and determination. Get ready to take bold risks, pursue your dreams, and ignite your spark.

If you’re local to Rutland, why not join in for my first collaborative event with Tash at The Loft at Rutland Nursery?
On March 19th, we are hosting ‘Its A Kind Of Magic’ - a two hour workshop for those spiritually curious to connect to their own magic through creative play. Grab your tickets here!

20/3 The Equinox

Balance, Reflection, Gratitude

March 20th marks the Equinox, a powerful event signaling the arrival of spring in the Northern Hemisphere and autumn in the Southern Hemisphere. Astrologically, the Equinox represents a moment of balance and harmony as the sun crosses the celestial equator, illuminating the Earth with equal parts light and darkness.

Spiritually, the Equinox invites us to honour the balance within ourselves and in the world around us. It's a potent time for reflection, renewal, and setting intentions for the season ahead. Embrace rituals such as meditation, journaling, and setting up altars to honour the energy of balance and transition during this beautiful time.

25/3 Full Moon Lunar Eclipse  in Libra

Relationships, Forgiveness, Resolution

On March 25th, the Full Moon illuminates the sky in the diplomatic sign of Libra. Libra is associated with balance, harmony, and partnerships, making this Full Moon an ideal time for finding equilibrium in our relationships and seeking resolution in conflicts.

The Full Moon in Libra invites us to examine our relationships, both with others and with ourselves, and make adjustments as needed to restore harmony and balance. Engage in rituals such as relationship healing, forgiveness practices, and meditation to cultivate peace and understanding in your connections.

This is the first Lunar Eclipse of 2024, and I am so excited to support you in exploring relationship conflict and resolution during Lunar Time, my monthly online moon circle. Join us for a relaxed evening of meditation, journaling, creative ritual work and tarot by booking your ticket here. Limited spaces remaining!

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In conclusion, March 2024 unfolds as a month with huge themes of spiritual growth. From the mystical embrace of the Pisces New Moon to the Equinox's call for balance and the Full Moon in Libra, each astrological event offers an opportunity for reflection, intention setting, and spiritual connection. Please remember, that this blog is a simple low down, there are several other dates in the month that hold significance which I will speak about over on Instagram and via my mailing list.


A Quick Fire Guide to the Pisces New Moon


A Quick Fire Guide to the Virgo Full Moon